What is ambidexterity?
When people are equally skillful with their right and their left hand;
Organizational ambidexterity: The art of simultaneously orchestrating exploitation and exploration; the ability to improve the existing core business and design, build and explore the future business at the same time.
Duwe, 2021
The concept of organizational ambidexterity provides an excellent mental model for the process of (digital) transformation. It uncovers and balances the tension or trade-off between activities for exploitation and for exploration - for todays business and the future of digital solutions.
Research has identified three major types of organizational ambidexterity:
Temporal sequence of exploration and exploitation
(e.g. one follows the other)
Contextual balancing of exploration and exploitation (e.g. simultaneous activities in one organizational unit)
Local or organizational separation of exploration and exploitation (e.g. different business units)
Duncan, Robert B. (1976): The Ambidextrous Organization: Designing Dual Structures for Innovation. In: Ralph H. Kilmann, Louis R. Pondy und Dennis P. Slevin (Hrsg.): The Management of Organization Design. New York [u.a.]: North-Holland, p. 167–188.
Gibson, C. B.; Birkinshaw, J. (2004): The Antecedents, Consequences, and Mediating Role of Organizational Ambidexterity. In: Academy of Management Journal 47 ( 2 ), p. 209–226.
March, James G. (1991): Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning.In: Organization Science, 2 ( 1 ), p. 71–87.
O’Reilly, Charles A.; Tushman, Michael (2013): Organizational Ambidexterity: Past, Present and Future. In: Academy of Management Perspectives 27 ( 4 ), p. 324–338.
Raisch, S.; Birkinshaw, J. (2008): Organizational Ambidexterity: Antecedents, Outcomes, and Moderators. In: Journal of Management 34 ( 3 ), p. 375–409.
What is ambidexterity?
When people are equally skillful with their right and their left hand;
Organizational ambidexterity: The art of simultaneously orchestrating exploitation and exploration; the ability to improve the existing core business and design, build and explore the future business at the same time.
Duwe, 2021
The concept of organizational ambidexterity provides an excellent mental model for the process of (digital) transformation. It uncovers and balances the tension or trade-off between activities for exploitation and for exploration - for todays business and the future of digital solutions.
Research has identified three major types of organizational ambidexterity:
Temporal sequence of exploration and exploitation
(e.g. one follows the other)
Local or organizational separation of exploration and exploitation (e.g. different business units)
Contextual balancing of exploration and exploitation (e.g. simultaneous activities in one organizational unit)
Duncan, Robert B. (1976): The Ambidextrous Organization: Designing Dual Structures for Innovation. In: Ralph H. Kilmann, Louis R. Pondy und Dennis P. Slevin (Hrsg.): The Management of Organization Design. New York [u.a.]: North-Holland, p. 167–188.
Gibson, C. B.; Birkinshaw, J. (2004): The Antecedents, Consequences, and Mediating Role of Organizational Ambidexterity. In: Academy of Management Journal 47 ( 2 ), p. 209–226.
March, James G. (1991): Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning.In: Organization Science, 2 ( 1 ), p. 71–87.
O’Reilly, Charles A.; Tushman, Michael (2013): Organizational Ambidexterity: Past, Present and Future. In: Academy of Management Perspectives 27 ( 4 ), p. 324–338.
Raisch, S.; Birkinshaw, J. (2008): Organizational Ambidexterity: Antecedents, Outcomes, and Moderators. In: Journal of Management 34 ( 3 ), p. 375–409.
© Dr. Julia Duwe, Stuttgart, August 2023